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What does One Simple Voice teach?





The mystical life is one in which one lives in union with God.  It is a life lived as “WE”—God and me—instead of “me.” It is a life of wonder, God’s Peace, and God’s Love at the center of everything one lives and chooses.


One sees Jesus as God’s Only Begotten Son, our teacher of this mystical journey; the gifts of His sacrifice teach us how God wishes us to be. If one follows The Way, it leads to eventual surrender to His words and a letting go of the life we chose. We are resurrected into the life He chooses for us. This process is one of transformation through the heart transcending our mind’s will to instead follow His will for us. Life becomes life lived forever as “WE”—in His presence, in His purpose, and with His meaning.  God is truth and love, and living as “WE,” our lives can be lived from this place. It is the truth of Jesus and His teachings that sets us free while we give His love to the world.  Through our being His peace, we have seen His peace in others. This is how His message is conveyed best. This is the “new evangelization.” We have seen this through our ministry, One Simple Voice.


Living as “WE,” one finds freedom, a sense of great hope, and a sense of great possibility. Living as “WE,” all things are possible. Living as “WE,” one is protected by God from evil. Listening to God speak each day, through our challenges, helps us to rise above anger, hurt, and resentment to forgiveness, compassion, and peace in Him—in essence, bringing peace to the world. From this place of unity in Him, the world looks different and can only be explained in words as seeing with the eyes of a child.


The Eucharist is our most sacred way to celebrate this Union. The wonder of this celebration expresses in a present moment the beauty of this union in us. Each Mass we attend is a way to honor and solidify this union as history and the present moment are brought together. With God, we transcend the mind’s problems by celebrating the truth of Jesus and His wish for us to remember He is always within us.


The Scriptures are not only read, but they are felt by all who live this life as one with Jesus and His teachings. That is not to say we think we “are Jesus,” as we are clearly human, but this Union sculpts us and sands each of us into the being God wishes us to be. The meaning and the purpose of His words become part of us. A deep-rooted and richer understanding is uncovered in the scriptures as we continue to live with God at the center of our lives.


As you know, mystical people through the centuries have suffered many hardships carrying the cross, conflicting with those who do not understand this Unity and its experience. Unable to understand from words this state of Union, they label it only by the things they know of or have read about – this divisiveness manifests from one who has not found this Unity within himself.


We would be happy to answer any questions you may have or to hear of your experiences. The journey of Jesus and his teachings proclaims the “good news,” and we share that good news. With a personal relationship with Jesus, the world can become this good news, if all begin to live His message.


Frannie Rose



For those who are unsure of what we teach, I wish for you to read the following synopsis of

our journey to Union with God.  This is what happens with many of our students as a personal relationship 

with Jesus grows deeply and is nurtured through two-way conversation. Their lives change in beautiful ways, 

the Peace of God is with them, and their experience of church becomes richer as their love for the Eucharist

grows deeply. These gifts are what they give to the world, instead of negativity, judgment, fear or angst. In essence, through a personal relationship with God, one is doing their part to help Him create the ultimate peace for humanity.


Frannie Rose
Author/Spiritual Teacher/Presenter
One Simple Voice

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